Monday, August 11, 2008

Is there a difference?

So I was sitting here tonight contemplating love and I decided that there is a difference between being IN LOVE with someone and LOVING someone. You can love someone on many different levels, but you aren't IN LOVE with the said someone. Loving others can be loving a friend, a co-worker, a family member,a favorite professor... and sometimes even the minor crushes/obsessions on athletes (Michael Phelps) or other famous people (ok ok ok you can't really be in love with someone, but I have an obsession and it's my blog so....). But that being said, it doesn't mean that you are IN LOVE with everyone in your life. Sure, you love them, care about them, want the best for them, like spending time with them - but they aren't your better half and aren't the ones that make your heart race faster and fill your stomach with butterflies. Now when you are IN LOVE with someone, you love them too, but to a different degree and you are IN LOVE with them. You feel complete when you are around them - and from my experience, you feel this even when you are absolutely frustrated with them or just want them to leave you alone, yet you can't let yourself have them go away. They are your everything and you want nothing more than their happiness and for them to succeed. It's kind of a confusing idea, but at the same time, it makes sense. Maybe I'm just crazy, but at least I think I am starting to untangle the mess of my current existence. So, is there a difference? :-D

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